A trip to Korea

HI,Welcome to our first blog.Our names are Lorea,Valeria and Noemi.Today we are going to do our first blog in Korea.

“Day 1”

We got up at 6´o'clock .We had a toast with jam and milk for breakfast.l.We got dressed in comfortable clothes.We prepared the suitcase to go to the airport.We got to the plane and arrived at 11 in the morning. We went to a restaurant for lunch.¡The food was very tasty!Yummy¡We learned a little Korean but we didn't understand anything.At night we went to hotel, the name of the hotel was “Sadie”.

Day 2” the river

In the morning we woke up very tired. For breakfast we had sushi and fruit. At 1:00 p.m.we went for a walk all over Korea.In the afternoon we went to a restaurant to eat some Korean food, The food was very good and then we cycled down the river path.We were very tired and drank a lot of water. 

20 minutes later, we found a store that sold Korean sweets.The sweets were very expensive.We went very tired and we went to the hotel at 9:00 p.m. to go to bed.

“Day 3” the perfect morning

We woke up at 10:00 in the morning to have breakfast and prepare our bags,since at 12:00 was the bus,to go the airport. We were very tired because the days in Korea was super long for me.We were in the plane super good but my legs hurt a lot. 

The best holidays of my life! :)


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