Welcome to our first blog!We are Majda and Stefani.

We are so excited because tomorrow

we are going to visit Bulgaria for 3 days.

We will write at the end of the day. 

DAY 1: Our first day

We woke up at seven o clock.It was sunny.

We got dressed and had breakfast.We were ready to go!   

We went to the airport and we went into the plane.

After about 7 hours,we arrived at a hotel.

First we went to sleep.  

Later we visited the Monasterio de Rila.     


It was very beautiful.We went to the hotel.

omorrow we will have more adventures.Good night!!

DAY 2:What a day!! 

In the morning we had a big breakfast.

We had yogurt,eggs and toast.  It was very yummy!!   

After breakfast we went for a walk. We went with the car to visit the upside down house

Later we went to a restaurant.

We ate spaghetti and meat.

In the afternoon we went to the park.

At night ,we went with my family to have dinner .

Day 3 :Today it was very sunny but with some clouds.

 We went to the mountain.

Later in the afternoon, we went to the beach in the Black Sea. 

After 5 hours, we kept the things.It was very

funny !!! 

We had lunch in the hotel ( meat and potatoes ) and we left the hotel to come back to Spain.

Did you like our holidays ?



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